The Secret Series

The Secret Series is an 'secret' adventure series written by Pseudonymous Bosch. His writing style is similar to that of Lemony Snicket's, author of A Series of Unfortunate Events. The first book in the series, The Name of This Book is Secret, was released in late 2007. The second, If You're Reading This, It's Too Late, was released in late 2008. The third book in the series, This Book Is Not Good for You was released in September 2009, the fourth book, This Isn't What it Looks Like was released a year later in September 2010, and the fifth book, You Have To Stop This came out in 28 September 2011. The series is about two middle school children, Cass and Max-Ernest, their friend Yo-Yoji, and their adventures as members of the Terces Society, a group that keeps a mysterious Secret from being found out or stolen by the Midnight Sun society. One of the subplots of the series is the alchemists of the Midnight Sun searching for the secret to immortality, and the Terces Society's plans to stop them.

As many fans have noticed, each book is centered around the five senses: The first book concerns scent, the second is about sound, the third centers around taste, the fourth centers around sight, and the fifth is about touch.



The Name of This Book is Secret (Smell)

If You're Reading This, It's Too Late (Sound)

This Book Is Not Good for You (Taste)

This Isn't What it Looks Like (Sight)

You Have To Stop This (Touch)

Each book targets one of the five senses. For example in If You're Reading This, It's Too Late, they find a ball that makes a strange noise, and the three have to figure out what it means.


Note: None of the characters are called by their real names, due to the reader's possibly of being part of the Midnight Sun and finding out too much information.

Characters Introduced in Book Two

Characters Introduced in Book Three

Characters introduced in book four